বাংলাদেশেই তৈরী হচ্ছে COVID 19 করোনা ভাইরাসের চিকিৎসায় ব্যবহৃত হাইড্রোক্সিক্লোরোকুইন এবং এজিথ্রোমাইসিন ঔষধ
সারা বিশ্ব এখন COVID 19 মহামারীতে আক্রান্ত। প্রতিদিন, প্রতিক্ষণে দেশে দেশে এই ভাইরাসে আক্রান্তের সংখ্যা এবং মৃত্যুর সংখ্যা জ্যামিতিক হারে বেড়েই চলছে। এই মহামারীর সবচেয়ে ভয়ানক বৈশিষ্ট্য হল শ্বাস কষ্ট জনিত মৃত্যু অর্থাৎ এ রোগে আক্রান্তের শেষ পর্যায়ে রোগীরা শ্বাস গ্রহন করতে পারে কিন্তু প্রশ্বাস ফেলতে পারে না। মোট কথা কষ্টজনক মৃত্যু।
করোনা ভাইরাসের ঔষধ ও ভ্যাসকিন তৈরীতে বিশ্বের মাইক্রোবায়োালজিষ্ট ও ইমুনিলজিষ্টদের ঘুম নাই। COVID 19 প্রতিরোধে বিশ্বের বায়োটেক ও ফার্মাসিষ্ট কোম্পানীগুলো, বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়গুলো এবং সরকারী ও বেসরকারী প্রতিষ্ঠানগুলো যৌথভাবে বা এককভাবে করোনা ভাইরাসের ঔষধ ও ভ্যাকসিন আবিষ্কারের অবিরাম চেষ্টা চালিয়ে যাচ্ছে।
যদিও এখন পর্যন্ত তা মানবদেহে প্রয়োগ পর্যায়ে আসেনি। কারণ, ঔষধ আবিস্কার তেমন কঠিন নয় , কঠিন হলো এর মানবদেহে প্রয়োগের পর এর প্রতিক্রিয়া জানা ও মাত্রা নির্ধারণ করা – এর জন্য অনেক সময় যেমন এক বছর এবং কোন কোন ক্ষেত্রে ৪ বছরও সময় লেগে যেতে পারে।
কিন্তু সে সময় পর্যন্ত অপেক্ষা করলে তো আক্রান্ত ও মৃত্যুর মিছিলের লাগাম টেনে ধরা যাবে না। তাই নতুন ঔষধ ও ভ্যাসকিন আবিস্কারের পাশাপাশি একই পরিবারভূক্ত অন্য ভাইরাস ও ব্যকটোরিয়ায় আক্রান্ত রোগের এবং ম্বাসযন্ত্র প্রদাহ চিকিৎসায় বর্তমানে ব্যবহৃত অনুরূপ ঔষধসমূহ COVID-19 আক্রান্ত রোগীর দেহে এককভাবে বা যৗথভাবে প্রয়োগের পরীক্ষা নিরীক্ষা চালিয়ে যাচ্ছে।
এরই ধারাবাহিকতায় আমেরিকার বেশ কয়েকটি সংস্থা করোনা আক্রান্ত রোগীর দেহে হাইড্রোক্সিক্লোরোকুইন এবং এজিথ্রোমাইসিন ঔষধ দুটি যৌথভাবে প্রযোগের মাধ্যমে পরীক্ষা করে আশানুরূপ ফল প্রাপ্ত হয়েছে। এতে অত্যধিক খারাপ অবস্থায় যাওয়া রোগীকে ভেন্টিলেশন ব্যবহার না করেই বাঁচানো সম্ভব হয়েছে।
এই তথ্য আমেরিকান প্রেসিডেন্ট ডোনাল্ড ট্রাম্প কয়েকদিন আগে জনসমক্ষে বিষয়টি তুলে ধরেন এবং বিভিন্ন জার্নালেও এতদবিষয়ে আলোচনা হয়। এর পর এই ঔষুধ দুটি বিভিন্ন দেশেও আক্রান্ত রোগীর দেহে প্রয়োগে ভালো ফলাফল পাওয়া যায়। উল্লেখ্য যে, করোনা ভাইরাসের ঔষধ ২টি মূলত কোভিড- ১৯ করোনা ভাইরাসের নিরাময়ের যথাযথ ঔষধ নয়, ঔষধ দুটি করোনা রোগে আক্রান্ত ব্যক্তির উপসর্গ হ্রাসে সাহায্য করে, রোগীর কষ্ট হ্রাস করে।
মূলত: হাইড্রোক্সি ক্লোরোকুইন (Hydroxychloroquine) ম্যালেরিয়া রোগে, ক্রোনিক এবং রিউম্যাটিক বাত (Acute and Chronic rheumatoid Arthritis), এবং চামড়ার নীচে, মাংশপেশীতে, হাড় জোড়ায় প্রদাহ (Systemic Lupus Erythematousu) রোগের চিকিৎসায় বিভিন্ন মাত্রায় ব্যবহার করা হয়ে থাকে। হাইড্রোক্সি ক্লোরোকুইন শুধু খাওয়ার বড়ি (Oral Tablets) হিসাবে উৎপাদন ও ব্যবহার করা হয়।
আর এজিথোমাইসিন (Azithromycin) হল এন্টিব্যকটোরিয়া ঔষধ যা ব্যকটোরিয়া জনিত সংক্রমণ যেমন শ্বসযন্ত্র, চর্ম, চক্ষু এবং যৌনাঙ্গের সংক্রমণ রোগের চিকিৎসায় ব্যবহৃত হয়। এজিথোমাইসিন রোগের ধরণ ও বয়স অনুযায়ী খাওয়ার টেবলেট, ক্যাপসুল, সাসপেনসন পাউডার, ড্রোপ আকারে তৈরী ও ব্যবহৃত হয়।
হাইড্রোক্সিক্লোরোকুইন বাংলাদেশের ইনসেপ্টা ফার্মাসিউটিক্যাল লি:, ডেল্টা ফার্মা লি: ও জেনিথ ফার্মসিউটিক্যাল লি: এ উৎপাদিত হয়। এই ঔষধটি মানবদেহের জন্য অত্যন্ত স্পর্শকাতর এবং অনেকগুলো পাশ্ব প্রতিক্রিয়া রয়েছে। চিকিৎসকগণ কোন রোগীর জন্য ঔষধটি উপযুক্ত কিনা তা পর্যবেক্ষণের জন্য প্রথমে স্বল্প মাত্রায় কয়েক দিন ব্যবহার করতে প্রেসক্রাইব করে, তারপর কযেকদিন ব্যবহারে দেহে মানানসই হলে পূর্ণমাত্রায় ব্যবহারের উপদেশ প্রদান করে।
তাই কোনমতেই চিকিৎসকের পরামর্শ ও বয়স, লিংগ ও দেহের সহ্য ক্ষমতা অনুযায়ী মাত্রা নির্ধারণ বিহীন এ ঔষুধ কিছুতে ব্যবহার করা যাবে না। অন্তসত্ত্বা মহিলা ও শিশুদের ব্যবহারে ইহা সম্পূর্ণ নিষিদ্ধ, যদি না প্রাণ বাাঁচানোর আর কোন উপায় না থাকে।
নিন্মে বাংলাদেশে উৎপাদিত হাইড্রোক্সি ক্লোরোকুইন এর কোম্পাণী অনুযায়ী Brand Name, Dosage ও মূল্য উল্লেখ করা হলঃ
Brand Name | Dosage Form | Strength | Company | Pack Size & Price |
Reconil | Tablet | 200 mg | Incept Pharmaceuticals Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 12.00 (30’s pack: ৳ 360) |
Reumaflex | Tablet | 200 mg | Delta Pharma Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 10.00 (30’s pack: ৳ 300) |
Roquin | Tablet | 200 mg | Zenith Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 12.00 (30’s pack: ৳ 360) |
Brand Name | Dosage Form | Strength | Company | Pack Size & Price |
এজিথোমাইসিন বাংলাদেশের প্রায় শতাধিক ঔষধ কোম্পাণীতে উৎপাদিত হয়। এ ঔষধের পার্শ্ব প্রতিক্রিয়া গুলো হল – ডায়েরিয়া, পাতলা পায়খানা (Loose stools), বমি বমি ভাব, বমি হওয়া, পেটের ব্যাথা ইত্যাদি। তাই কোন অবস্থায়ই চিকিৎসকের পরামর্শ ছাড়া এই ঔষধ ব্যবহার করা যাবে না।
বাংলাদেশের বিভিন্ন কোম্পাণীতে উৎপাদিত এজিথোমাইসিন এর কোম্পাণী অনুযায়ী Brand Name, Dosage ও মূল্য দেয়া হলঃ
Brand Name | Dosage Form | Strength | Company | Pack Size & Price |
Acos | Tablet | 500 mg | Radiant Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 55.00 (6’s pack: ৳ 330) |
Acos | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Radiant Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 30 ml bottle: ৳ 175.00 |
Adiz | Capsule | 250 mg | Euro Pharma Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 25.00 (18’s pack: ৳ 450) |
Adiz | Tablet | 500 mg | Euro Pharma Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 35.00 (12’s pack: ৳ 420.01) |
Adiz | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Euro Pharma Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 85.01
35 ml bottle: ৳ 130.00 50 ml bottle: ৳ 185.00 |
AM | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Reliance Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 30 ml bottle: ৳ 130.00 |
AM 500 | Tablet | 500 mg | Reliance Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 30.00 (10’s pack: ৳ 300) |
Amzith | Capsule | 250 mg | Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 20.00 (6’s pack: ৳ 120) |
Amzith | Tablet | 500 mg | Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 35.00 (12’s pack: ৳ 420) |
Amzith | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 30 ml bottle: ৳ 130.00 |
Apozyth | Tablet | 500 mg | Apollo Pharmaceutical Laboratories Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 33.33 (12’s pack: ৳ 399.96) |
Apozyth | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Apollo Pharmaceutical Laboratories Ltd. | 30 ml bottle: ৳ 130.00 |
Arizith | Tablet | 500 mg | Centeon Pharma Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 45.00 (12’s pack: ৳ 539.95) |
Asizime | IV Infusion | 1 gm/vial | Asiatic Laboratories Ltd. | 1 gm vial: ৳ 240.00 |
Asizime | IV Infusion | 250 mg/vial | Asiatic Laboratories Ltd. | 250 mg vial: ৳ 85.00 |
Asizime | IV Infusion | 500 mg/vial | Asiatic Laboratories Ltd. | 500 mg vial: ৳ 130.00 |
Asizith | Tablet | 250 mg | Asiatic Laboratories Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 20.00 (8’s pack: ৳ 160) |
Asizith | Tablet | 500 mg | Asiatic Laboratories Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 35.00 (12’s pack: ৳ 420) |
Asizith | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Asiatic Laboratories Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 85.00
30 ml bottle: ৳ 130.00 |
ATM | Tablet | 500 mg | Everest Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 30.00 (6’s pack: ৳ 180) |
ATM | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Everest Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 85.00
35 ml bottle: ৳ 130.00 |
Avalon | Tablet | 500 mg | Techno Drugs Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 31.61 (6’s pack: ৳ 189.67) |
Avalon | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Techno Drugs Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 84.60
30 ml bottle: ৳ 129.39 |
Avalon | IV Infusion | 500 mg/vial | Techno Drugs Ltd. | 500 mg vial: ৳ 248.82 |
AZ | Eye Drop | 1% | Aristopharma Ltd. | 2.5 ml drop: ৳ 120.00 |
AZ | Capsule | 250 mg | Aristopharma Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 25.00 (8’s pack: ৳ 200) |
AZ | Capsule | 500 mg | Aristopharma Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 35.00 (8’s pack: ৳ 280) |
AZ | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Aristopharma Ltd. | 20 ml bottle: ৳ 100.00
35 ml bottle: ৳ 140.00 50 ml bottle: ৳ 200.00 |
AZ | Tablet | 250 mg | Aristopharma Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 25.00 (10’s pack: ৳ 250) |
AZ | Tablet | 500 mg | Aristopharma Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 35.00 (12’s pack: ৳ 420) |
Azalid | Capsule | 250 mg | Orion Pharma Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 25.00 (8’s pack: ৳ 200.01) |
Azalid | Tablet | 500 mg | Orion Pharma Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 35.11 (12’s pack: ৳ 421.31) |
Azalid | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Orion Pharma Limited | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 85.57
35 ml bottle: ৳ 130.88 50 ml bottle: ৳ 185.00 |
Azaltic | Tablet | 500 mg | NIPRO JMI Pharma Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 35.00 (9’s pack: ৳ 315) |
Azaltic | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | NIPRO JMI Pharma Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 85.00
35 ml bottle: ৳ 130.39 |
Azasite | Tablet | 500 mg | Sharif Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 35.11 (12’s pack: ৳ 421.31) |
Azasite | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Sharif Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 20 ml bottle: ৳ 85.26
35 ml bottle: ৳ 130.39 50 ml bottle: ৳ 185.56 |
Azebac | Tablet | 500 mg | S.N. Pharmaceutical Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 30.00 |
Azee | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Guardian Healthcare Ltd | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 85.00
35 ml bottle: ৳ 135.00 |
Azee | Tablet | 500 mg | Guardian Healthcare Ltd | Unit Price: ৳ 30.10 |
Azexia | Tablet | 500 mg | Pharmasia Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 34.00 (12’s pack: ৳ 408) |
Azexia | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Pharmasia Limited | 20 ml bottle: ৳ 85.80
35 ml bottle: ৳ 140.00 50 ml bottle: ৳ 186.08 |
Azi S | Tablet | 500 mg | Seema Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 30.00 (6’s pack: ৳ 180) |
Azi S | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Seema Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 100.00 |
Azicin | Eye Drop | 1% | Opsonin Pharma Limited | 2.5 ml drop: ৳ 119.96 |
Azicin | Capsule | 250 mg | Opsonin Pharma Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 23.27 (6’s pack: ৳ 139.62) |
Azicin | Capsule | 500 mg | Opsonin Pharma Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 33.24 (6’s pack: ৳ 199.41) |
Azicin | Tablet | 250 mg | Opsonin Pharma Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 25.00 (7’s pack: ৳ 174.99) |
Azicin | Tablet | 500 mg | Opsonin Pharma Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 35.11 (7’s pack: ৳ 245.78) |
Azicin | Powder for Suspension | 1 gm/Sachet | Opsonin Pharma Limited | 1 gm sachet: ৳ 79.97 (5’s pack: ৳ 399.84) |
Azicin | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Opsonin Pharma Limited | 20 ml bottle: ৳ 99.99
35 ml bottle: ৳ 140.00 50 ml bottle: ৳ 200.01 |
Azicin | Pediatric Drops | 125 mg/1.25 ml | Opsonin Pharma Limited | 15 ml drop: ৳ 84.92 |
Azifine | Tablet | 500 mg | Active Fine Chemicals Ltd. | Price not available. |
Aziget | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Get Well Limited | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 85.00
35 ml bottle: ৳ 140.00 50 ml bottle: ৳ 185.00 |
Aziget | Tablet | 500 mg | Get Well Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 34.00 |
Azikil | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | One Pharma Limited | 20 ml bottle: ৳ 100.00
35 ml bottle: ৳ 140.00 50 ml bottle: ৳ 200.00 |
Azikil | Tablet | 500 mg | One Pharma Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 35.00 (8’s pack: ৳ 280)
Unit Price: ৳ 35.00 (12’s pack: ৳ 420) |
Azilab | Tablet | 500 mg | Labaid Pharma Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 50.10 (6’s pack: ৳ 300.62) |
Azilab | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Labaid Pharma Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 115.00
35 ml bottle: ৳ 165.36 50 ml bottle: ৳ 216.00 |
Azilit | Tablet | 500 mg | Desh Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 35.00 (3’s pack: ৳ 105) |
Azilit | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Desh Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 85.00
30 ml bottle: ৳ 160.00 |
Azimete | Tablet | 500 mg | Medimet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 30.00 (4’s pack: ৳ 120) |
Azimete | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Medimet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 85.00
30 ml bottle: ৳ 130.00 |
Azimex | Capsule | 500 mg | Drug International Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 25.00 (10’s pack: ৳ 250) |
Azimex | Tablet | 250 mg | Drug International Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 24.57 (10’s pack: ৳ 245.67) |
Azimex | Tablet | 500 mg | Drug International Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 35.02 (10’s pack: ৳ 350.16) |
Azimex | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Drug International Limited | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 84.92
30 ml bottle: ৳ 119.89 50 ml bottle: ৳ 185.42 |
Azimon | Tablet | 500 mg | Monicopharma Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 35.00 (8’s pack: ৳ 280) |
Azimon | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Monicopharma Limited | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 90.00
30 ml bottle: ৳ 130.00 |
Azin | Tablet | 500 mg | Acme Laboratories Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 35.11 (12’s pack: ৳ 421.33) |
Azin | Capsule | 250 mg | Acme Laboratories Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 25.08 (6’s pack: ৳ 150.47) |
Azin | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Acme Laboratories Limited | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 95.29
30 ml bottle: ৳ 140.42 50 ml bottle: ৳ 185.56 |
Azinaaf | Tablet | 500 mg | Naafco Pharma Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 33.00 |
Azinaaf | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Naafco Pharma Limited | 30 ml bottle: ৳ 130.00 |
Azinaaf | Tablet | 500 mg | Naafco Pharma Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 33.00 |
Azinil | Tablet | 250 mg | Apex Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 25.00 (12’s pack: ৳ 300) |
Azinil | Tablet | 500 mg | Apex Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 35.00 (12’s pack: ৳ 420) |
Azinil | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Apex Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 20 ml bottle: ৳ 85.00
35 ml bottle: ৳ 130.00 50 ml bottle: ৳ 185.00 |
Azirex | Tablet | 500 mg | Belsen Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Price not available. |
Azirox | Tablet | 500 mg | Navana Pharmaceuticals Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 35.11 (12’s pack: ৳ 421.32)
Unit Price: ৳ 35.11 (18’s pack: ৳ 631.98) |
Azirox | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Navana Pharmaceuticals Limited | 20 ml bottle: ৳ 100.00
35 ml bottle: ৳ 134.31 50 ml bottle: ৳ 189.03 |
Azitac | Tablet | 500 mg | United Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 30.24 (6’s pack: ৳ 181.42) |
Azitac | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | United Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 80.55
35 ml bottle: ৳ 130.87 |
Azitel | Tablet | 500 mg | Cosmic Pharma Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 35.00 |
Azitel | Capsule | 500 mg | Cosmic Pharma Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 30.00 (8’s pack: ৳ 240) |
Azitel | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Cosmic Pharma Limited | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 85.00
30 ml bottle: ৳ 130.00 |
Azithin | Tablet | 500 mg | Chemist Laboratories Limited. | Unit Price: ৳ 35.00 (12’s pack: ৳ 420) |
Azithin | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Chemist Laboratories Limited. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 85.00
35 ml bottle: ৳ 140.00 50 ml bottle: ৳ 180.00 |
Azithral | Tablet | 500 mg | Globex Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 30.00 |
Azithral | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Globex Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 85.00
30 ml bottle: ৳ 130.00 50 ml bottle: ৳ 185.00 |
Azithro | Tablet | 500 mg | Astra Biopharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 35.00 (6’s pack: ৳ 210) |
Azithro | Powder for Suspension | 125 mg/5 ml | Astra Biopharmaceuticals Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 85.00 |
Azithro | Capsule | 250 mg | Astra Biopharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 20.00 |
Azithro | Tablet | 250 mg | Astra Biopharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 20.00 |
Azithrocin | Capsule | 250 mg | Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 25.00 (10’s pack: ৳ 250) |
Azithrocin | Capsule | 500 mg | Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 35.00 (9’s pack: ৳ 315) |
Azithrocin | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 85.00
30 ml bottle: ৳ 130.00 50 ml bottle: ৳ 185.00 |
Azithrocin | IV Infusion | 500 mg/vial | Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 500 mg vial: ৳ 460.00 |
Azithrocin | Tablet | 250 mg | Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 25.00 (10’s pack: ৳ 250) |
Azithrogen | Tablet | 500 mg | Biogene Pharma Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 30.00 |
Azithromax | Tablet | 500 mg | Ziska Pharmaceuticals Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 35.00 (10’s pack: ৳ 350) |
Azithromax | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Ziska Pharmaceuticals Limited | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 85.01
35 ml bottle: ৳ 130.00 50 ml bottle: ৳ 185.00 |
Azithromycin | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Essential Drugs Company Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 38.24
30 ml bottle: ৳ 65.00 |
Azithromycin | Tablet | 500 mg | Essential Drugs Company Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 18.28 |
Azithromycin | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Premier Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 30 ml bottle: ৳ 120.00 |
Azitol | Tablet | 500 mg | Crystal Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Price not available. |
Azitor | Tablet | 500 mg | Central Pharmaceuticals Ltd (CPL) | Unit Price: ৳ 30.00 (5’s pack: ৳ 150) |
Azitor | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Central Pharmaceuticals Ltd (CPL) | 35 ml bottle: ৳ 140.00 |
Azitra | Tablet | 500 mg | MST Pharma | Price not available. |
Azitra | Tablet | 500 mg | MST Pharma | Unit Price: ৳ 30.00 (6’s pack: ৳ 180) |
Azix | Tablet | 500 mg | Amico Laboratories Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 30.00 (6’s pack: ৳ 180) |
Azix | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Amico Laboratories Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 85.00 |
Azmin | Tablet | 500 mg | Modern Pharmaceuticals Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 38.00 (4’s pack: ৳ 152)
Unit Price: ৳ 38.00 (8’s pack: ৳ 304) |
Azmin | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Modern Pharmaceuticals Limited | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 85.00
35 ml bottle: ৳ 130.00 |
Azo | Tablet | 500 mg | Delta Pharma Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 30.00 (12’s pack: ৳ 360.01) |
Azo | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Delta Pharma Limited | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 90.00
30 ml bottle: ৳ 140.00 |
Azocil | Tablet | 500 mg | Silco Pharmaceutical Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 32.00 |
Azocil | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Silco Pharmaceutical Ltd. | Price not available. |
Azocin | Tablet | 500 mg | Standard Laboratories Limited | Price not available. |
Azocin | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Standard Laboratories Limited | Price not available. |
Azomac | Tablet | 500 mg | General Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 35.00 (12’s pack: ৳ 420) |
Azomac | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | General Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 20 ml bottle: ৳ 100.30
35 ml bottle: ৳ 140.43 50 ml bottle: ৳ 185.55 |
Azro | Tablet | 500 mg | Nipa Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 30.00 (12’s pack: ৳ 360) |
Azro | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Nipa Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 85.01
30 ml bottle: ৳ 130.00 50 ml bottle: ৳ 180.00 |
Azyth | Capsule | 250 mg | SANDOZ (A Novartis Division) | Unit Price: ৳ 30.00 (10’s pack: ৳ 300) |
Azyth | Tablet | 500 mg | SANDOZ (A Novartis Division) | Unit Price: ৳ 55.50 (9’s pack: ৳ 499.5) |
Azyth | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | SANDOZ (A Novartis Division) | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 116.00
30 ml bottle: ৳ 175.00 50 ml bottle: ৳ 221.00 |
Benzith | Tablet | 500 mg | Benham Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 35.00 (12’s pack: ৳ 420) |
Benzith | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Benham Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 90.00
35 ml bottle: ৳ 140.00 50 ml bottle: ৳ 185.00 |
BP-Z | Capsule | 500 mg | Bristol Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 30.00 (3’s pack: ৳ 90) |
BP-Z | Tablet | 500 mg | Bristol Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 30.00 (6’s pack: ৳ 180) |
BP-Z | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Bristol Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 85.00 |
Cinalid | Tablet | 500 mg | Jayson Pharma Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 34.00 (6’s pack: ৳ 204) |
Cinalid | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Jayson Pharma Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 75.50
35 ml bottle: ৳ 130.39 |
CPZITH | Tablet | 500 mg | Cosmo Pharma Laboratories Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 30.00 |
CPZITH | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Cosmo Pharma Laboratories Ltd. | 50 ml bottle: ৳ 180.00 |
Curazith | Tablet | 250 mg | Sanofi Bangladesh Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 20.06 (6’s pack: ৳ 120.37) |
Curazith | Tablet | 500 mg | Sanofi Bangladesh Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 35.11 (12’s pack: ৳ 421.27) |
Curazith | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Sanofi Bangladesh Limited | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 85.26
30 ml bottle: ৳ 130.39 |
Demacro | Tablet | 500 mg | Decent Pharma Laboratories Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 30.00 (8’s pack: ৳ 240) |
Demacro | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Decent Pharma Laboratories Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 85.00
30 ml bottle: ৳ 120.00 |
Ezith | Tablet | 250 mg | Edruc Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 29.97 (3’s pack: ৳ 89.91) |
Ezith | Tablet | 500 mg | Edruc Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 35.00 (12’s pack: ৳ 420.01) |
Ezith | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Edruc Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 85.01
35 ml bottle: ৳ 130.00 |
Fizyth | Tablet | 500 mg | Peoples Pharma Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 30.00 (12’s pack: ৳ 360) |
Hyzith | Tablet | 500 mg | Millat Pharmaceuticals Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 35.00 (3’s pack: ৳ 105)
Unit Price: ৳ 35.00 (6’s pack: ৳ 210) |
Hyzith | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Millat Pharmaceuticals Limited | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 85.00
30 ml bottle: ৳ 130.00 |
Ilozin | Tablet | 500 mg | Doctor’s Chemical Works Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 30.00 (8’s pack: ৳ 240) |
Ilozin | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Doctor’s Chemical Works Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 85.00
30 ml bottle: ৳ 130.00 |
Indozith | Capsule | 250 mg | Indo Bangla Pharmaceutical | Price not available. |
Indozith | Tablet | 500 mg | Indo Bangla Pharmaceutical | Price not available. |
Indozith | Capsule | 500 mg | Indo Bangla Pharmaceutical | Price not available. |
Macazi | Tablet | 500 mg | Pacific Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 29.97 (6’s pack: ৳ 179.84) |
Macazi | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Pacific Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 35 ml bottle: ৳ 119.89 |
Maclid | Capsule | 250 mg | Ethical Drug Ltd. | Price not available. |
Macrobac | Tablet | 500 mg | Concord Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 35.00 (9’s pack: ৳ 315) |
Macrobac | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Concord Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 85.00
25 ml bottle: ৳ 120.00 35 ml bottle: ৳ 135.00 50 ml bottle: ৳ 185.00 |
Macrozith | Capsule | 250 mg | Silva Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 20.07 (6’s pack: ৳ 120.39) |
Macrozith | Tablet | 500 mg | Silva Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 34.00 (12’s pack: ৳ 408.04) |
Macrozith | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Silva Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 90.01
35 ml bottle: ৳ 135.00 |
Maczith | Capsule | 250 mg | Biopharma Laboratories Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 24.99 (6’s pack: ৳ 149.93) |
Maczith | Tablet | 500 mg | Biopharma Laboratories Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 34.94 (12’s pack: ৳ 419.29) |
Maczith | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Biopharma Laboratories Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 94.96
35 ml bottle: ৳ 129.88 |
Makzit | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Maks Drugs Ltd. | Price not available. |
Mazith | Tablet | 500 mg | Hallmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 30.15 (12’s pack: ৳ 361.8) |
Mazith | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Hallmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 85.00
25 ml bottle: ৳ 110.00 35 ml bottle: ৳ 130.00 |
Medzith | Tablet | 500 mg | MedRx Life Science Ltd | Price not available. |
Medzith | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | MedRx Life Science Ltd | 30 ml bottle: ৳ 140.00 |
My-Azi | Tablet | 500 mg | Doctor TIMS Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Price not available. |
My-Azi | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Doctor TIMS Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Price not available. |
Myzid | Tablet | 250 mg | Ambee Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 19.99 (12’s pack: ৳ 239.93) |
Myzid | Tablet | 500 mg | Ambee Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 29.99 (12’s pack: ৳ 359.92) |
N Zith | Tablet | 500 mg | Novus Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 30.00 (6’s pack: ৳ 180) |
Neozith | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Marksman Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 85.00
35 ml bottle: ৳ 125.00 50 ml bottle: ৳ 160.00 |
Neozith | Tablet | 500 mg | Marksman Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 35.00 |
Novazith | Tablet | 500 mg | Leon Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 34.99 (12’s pack: ৳ 419.84) |
Novazith | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Leon Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 79.97
35 ml bottle: ৳ 134.94 50 ml bottle: ৳ 184.92 |
Nuzith | Tablet | 500 mg | FnF Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Price not available. |
Nuzith | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | FnF Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Price not available. |
Odaz | Tablet | 500 mg | Unimed Unihealth MFG. Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 40.00 (6’s pack: ৳ 240) |
Odaz | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Unimed Unihealth MFG. Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 100.00
30 ml bottle: ৳ 150.00 |
Odazin | Tablet | 500 mg | Bengal drugs Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 30.00 (12’s pack: ৳ 360) |
Odazyth | Tablet | 500 mg | ACI Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 35.11 (15’s pack: ৳ 526.65) |
Odazyth | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | ACI Limited | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 85.58
30 ml bottle: ৳ 130.88 50 ml bottle: ৳ 186.26 |
Odazyth | Capsule | 250 mg | ACI Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 25.08 (12’s pack: ৳ 300.96) |
Orgazith | Tablet | 500 mg | Organic Health Care | Unit Price: ৳ 34.00 (12’s pack: ৳ 408) |
Orgazith | Capsule | 250 mg | Organic Health Care | Unit Price: ৳ 20.06 (12’s pack: ৳ 240.72) |
Orgazith | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Organic Health Care | 20 ml bottle: ৳ 85.26
35 ml bottle: ৳ 130.39 50 ml bottle: ৳ 185.56 |
Orzith | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Orbit Pharmaceuticals Ltd | 30 ml bottle: ৳ 130.00 |
Orzith | Tablet | 500 mg | Orbit Pharmaceuticals Ltd | Unit Price: ৳ 30.00 |
Penalox | Capsule | 500 mg | Rephco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 30.00 (8’s pack: ৳ 240) |
Penalox | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Rephco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 95.00
30 ml bottle: ৳ 130.00 |
Phagocin | Tablet | 500 mg | Shamsul Al-Amin Pharmaceutical Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 30.09 (8’s pack: ৳ 240.72) |
Phagocin | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Shamsul Al-Amin Pharmaceutical Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 85.00
35 ml bottle: ৳ 130.00 |
Phoenix Azithromycin | Tablet | 500 mg | Phoenix Chemicals Laboratory (BD) Ltd | Unit Price: ৳ 4.00 |
Premier’s Azithromycin | Tablet | 500 mg | Premier Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 30.00 (6’s pack: ৳ 180) |
Prizyth | Tablet | 500 mg | Prime Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 30.00 |
Prizyth | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Prime Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 82.00
30 ml bottle: ৳ 125.00 |
Qumax | Tablet | 500 mg | Quality Pharmaceuticals (Pvt) Ltd. | Price not available. |
Ranzith | Tablet | 500 mg | Rangs Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 35.11 (12’s pack: ৳ 421.32) |
Ranzith | Capsule | 250 mg | Rangs Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 23.00 (6’s pack: ৳ 138) |
Ranzith | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Rangs Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 85.26
30 ml bottle: ৳ 130.39 50 ml bottle: ৳ 186.00 |
Razithro | Tablet | 500 mg | Julphar Bangladesh Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 35.00 (12’s pack: ৳ 420.05) |
Razithro | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Julphar Bangladesh Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 85.00
35 ml bottle: ৳ 130.00 50 ml bottle: ৳ 186.00 |
Rema-Zith | Tablet | 500 mg | Reman Drug Laboratories Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 35.00 |
Rema-Zith | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Reman Drug Laboratories Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 85.00
35 ml bottle: ৳ 130.00 |
Respazit | Capsule | 250 mg | Somatec Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 25.00 (6’s pack: ৳ 150) |
Respazit | Tablet | 500 mg | Somatec Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 35.00 (12’s pack: ৳ 420) |
Respazit | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Somatec Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 20 ml bottle: ৳ 100.00
35 ml bottle: ৳ 140.00 50 ml bottle: ৳ 185.00 |
Ribozith | Tablet | 500 mg | Novelta Bestway Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 30.00 (6’s pack: ৳ 180) |
Ribozith | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Novelta Bestway Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 25 ml bottle: ৳ 115.00
35 ml bottle: ৳ 130.00 |
Romycin | Eye Drop | 1% | Ibn-Sina Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 5 ml drop: ৳ 115.00 |
Romycin | Capsule | 250 mg | Ibn-Sina Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 20.00 (8’s pack: ৳ 160) |
Romycin | Tablet | 500 mg | Ibn-Sina Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 35.00 (12’s pack: ৳ 420.05)
Unit Price: ৳ 35.00 (20’s pack: ৳ 700.09) |
Romycin | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Ibn-Sina Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 90.00
20 ml bottle: ৳ 100.00 35 ml bottle: ৳ 140.00 50 ml bottle: ৳ 190.00 |
Rozith | Tablet | 250 mg | Healthcare Pharmacuticals Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 25.00 (6’s pack: ৳ 150) |
Rozith | Tablet | 500 mg | Healthcare Pharmacuticals Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 35.00 (12’s pack: ৳ 420) |
Rozith | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Healthcare Pharmacuticals Limited | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 95.00
22.5 ml bottle: ৳ 105.00 35 ml bottle: ৳ 140.00 50 ml bottle: ৳ 185.00 |
Rozith | IV Infusion | 500 mg/vial | Healthcare Pharmacuticals Limited | 500 mg vial: ৳ 460.00 |
SB-Azit | Tablet | 500 mg | Sunman-Birdem Pharma Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 35.00 (12’s pack: ৳ 420) |
Simpli | Tablet | 500 mg | Beacon Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 35.11 (8’s pack: ৳ 280.88)
Unit Price: ৳ 35.11 (12’s pack: ৳ 421.32) |
Simpli | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Beacon Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 20 ml bottle: ৳ 85.57
35 ml bottle: ৳ 130.88 50 ml bottle: ৳ 185.56 |
Simpli | IV Infusion | 500 mg/vial | Beacon Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 500 mg vial: ৳ 461.38 |
Soto | Tablet | 250 mg | Hudson Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Price not available. |
Soto | Tablet | 500 mg | Hudson Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 32.00 (8’s pack: ৳ 256) |
Soto | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Hudson Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 35 ml bottle: ৳ 130.00 |
Tabrex | Tablet | 500 mg | Aztec Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 30.00 |
Telide | Tablet | 500 mg | Team Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 34.00 (14’s pack: ৳ 476) |
Telide | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Team Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 83.00
35 ml bottle: ৳ 135.00 50 ml bottle: ৳ 180.00 |
Thiza | Tablet | 500 mg | Kumudini Pharma Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 30.00 (16’s pack: ৳ 480) |
Thiza | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Kumudini Pharma Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 85.00
30 ml bottle: ৳ 130.00 |
Thromax | Tablet | 250 mg | Novo Healthcare and Pharma Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 20.00 (6’s pack: ৳ 120) |
Thromax | Tablet | 500 mg | Novo Healthcare and Pharma Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 30.00 (6’s pack: ৳ 180) |
Thromax | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Novo Healthcare and Pharma Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 90.00
25 ml bottle: ৳ 120.00 35 ml bottle: ৳ 140.00 |
Tridosil | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Incepta Pharmaceuticals Limited | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 85.01
30 ml bottle: ৳ 130.00 35 ml bottle: ৳ 140.00 50 ml bottle: ৳ 185.00 |
Tridosil | IV Infusion | 500 mg/vial | Incepta Pharmaceuticals Limited | 500 mg vial: ৳ 460.00 |
Tridosil | Tablet | 250 mg | Incepta Pharmaceuticals Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 25.00 (6’s pack: ৳ 150) |
Tridosil | Tablet | 500 mg | Incepta Pharmaceuticals Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 35.00 (12’s pack: ৳ 420.01) |
Truzith | Tablet | 500 mg | The White Horse Pharma | Unit Price: ৳ 31.62 (12’s pack: ৳ 379.47) |
Truzith | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | The White Horse Pharma | 35 ml bottle: ৳ 128.45
50 ml bottle: ৳ 177.85 |
Verizith | Capsule | 250 mg | Veritas Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 25.07 |
Verizith | Tablet | 500 mg | Veritas Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 35.11 |
Verizith | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Veritas Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 25 ml bottle: ৳ 115.35
35 ml bottle: ৳ 140.23 |
Vinzam | Tablet | 500 mg | Ad-din pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 30.00 (5’s pack: ৳ 150) |
Vinzam | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Ad-din pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 82.00
35 ml bottle: ৳ 130.00 |
Virzith | Tablet | 500 mg | Virgo Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 30.00 (9’s pack: ৳ 270) |
Virzith | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Virgo Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 90.00
20 ml bottle: ৳ 100.00 30 ml bottle: ৳ 130.00 50 ml bottle: ৳ 180.00 |
Xerion | Tablet | 500 mg | Oyster Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Price not available. |
Zemycin | Tablet | 500 mg | Gaco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 30.09 (3’s pack: ৳ 90.27) |
Zemycin | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Gaco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 85.26
35 ml bottle: ৳ 128.00 50 ml bottle: ৳ 172.00 |
Zenicin | Tablet | 500 mg | Zenith Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 30.00 (6’s pack: ৳ 180) |
Zenicin | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Zenith Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 80.00
30 ml bottle: ৳ 126.00 50 ml bottle: ৳ 180.00 |
Zeocin | Tablet | 500 mg | APC Pharma Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 30.00 (3’s pack: ৳ 90) |
Zeocin | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | APC Pharma Ltd. | 30 ml bottle: ৳ 130.00 |
Zibac | Tablet | 250 mg | Popular Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 20.08 (8’s pack: ৳ 160.64) |
Zibac | Tablet | 500 mg | Popular Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 35.00 (18’s pack: ৳ 630) |
Zibac | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Popular Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 85.31
20 ml bottle: ৳ 100.00 25 ml bottle: ৳ 115.00 35 ml bottle: ৳ 130.49 50 ml bottle: ৳ 185.70 |
Zibac | IV Infusion | 500 mg/ml | Popular Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 500 mg vial: ৳ 461.73 |
Zibac | Eye Drop | 1% | Popular Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 2.5 ml drop: ৳ 110.42 |
Zimax | Capsule | 250 mg | Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 25.08 (12’s pack: ৳ 300.96) |
Zimax | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 95.00
30 ml bottle: ৳ 140.00 50 ml bottle: ৳ 200.00 |
Zimax | IV Infusion | 500 mg/vial | Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 500 mg vial: ৳ 461.38 |
Zimax | Tablet | 500 mg | Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 35.11 (18’s pack: ৳ 631.98) |
Zinex | Tablet | 250 mg | Alco Pharma Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 20.06 (12’s pack: ৳ 240.72) |
Zinex | Tablet | 500 mg | Alco Pharma Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 35.00 (12’s pack: ৳ 420) |
Zinex | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Alco Pharma Limited | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 85.26
30 ml bottle: ৳ 130.39 50 ml bottle: ৳ 185.56 |
Zita | Tablet | 500 mg | Kemiko Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 35.00 (12’s pack: ৳ 420.01) |
Zita | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Kemiko Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 85.26
30 ml bottle: ৳ 130.39 50 ml bottle: ৳ 185.56 |
Zita | Eye Drop | 1% | Kemiko Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 2.5 ml drop: ৳ 120.35 |
Zithracin | Tablet | 500 mg | Supreme Pharmaceutical Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 35.00 (6’s pack: ৳ 210) |
Zithracin | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Supreme Pharmaceutical Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 85.25
35 ml bottle: ৳ 130.00 50 ml bottle: ৳ 185.00 |
Zithrin | Tablet | 250 mg | Renata Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 25.00 (15’s pack: ৳ 375) |
Zithrin | Tablet | 500 mg | Renata Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 35.09 (15’s pack: ৳ 526.36) |
Zithrin | Capsule | 250 mg | Renata Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 20.06 (15’s pack: ৳ 300.89) |
Zithrin | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Renata Limited | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 80.51
20 ml bottle: ৳ 85.54 30 ml bottle: ৳ 125.31 35 ml bottle: ৳ 130.82 50 ml bottle: ৳ 186.17 |
Zithrin | IV Infusion | 500 mg/vial | Renata Limited | 500 mg vial: ৳ 461.17 |
Zithro | Capsule | 250 mg | Pharmadesh Laboratories Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 20.06 (6’s pack: ৳ 120.36) |
Zithro | Capsule | 500 mg | Pharmadesh Laboratories Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 30.11 (6’s pack: ৳ 180.66) |
Zithro | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Pharmadesh Laboratories Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 86.11
30 ml bottle: ৳ 125.47 |
Zithrolex | Tablet | 250 mg | Mystic Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 19.00 (6’s pack: ৳ 114) |
Zithrolex | Tablet | 500 mg | Mystic Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 28.00 (3’s pack: ৳ 84) |
Zithrolex | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Mystic Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 84.00
35 ml bottle: ৳ 130.00 |
Zithrox | Capsule | 250 mg | Eskayef Bangladesh Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 20.16 (6’s pack: ৳ 120.93) |
Zithrox | Tablet | 250 mg | Eskayef Bangladesh Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 25.00 (12’s pack: ৳ 300) |
Zithrox | Tablet | 500 mg | Eskayef Bangladesh Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 35.00 (12’s pack: ৳ 420) |
Zithrox | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Eskayef Bangladesh Ltd. | 20 ml bottle: ৳ 90.01
35 ml bottle: ৳ 140.00 50 ml bottle: ৳ 186.01 |
Zitrex | Tablet | 500 mg | Medicon Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | Unit Price: ৳ 32.95 (12’s pack: ৳ 395.43) |
Zitrex | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Medicon Pharmaceuticals Ltd. | 20 ml bottle: ৳ 97.72
35 ml bottle: ৳ 138.63 50 ml bottle: ৳ 184.40 |
Zixin | Tablet | 500 mg | Opso Saline Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 35.00 (7’s pack: ৳ 245) |
Zixin | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Opso Saline Limited | 20 ml bottle: ৳ 100.00
35 ml bottle: ৳ 140.00 50 ml bottle: ৳ 200.00 |
Zunami | Tablet | 500 mg | Nuvista Pharma Limited | Unit Price: ৳ 55.17 (5’s pack: ৳ 275.84) |
Zycin | Tablet | 500 mg | Globe Pharmaceuticals Limited. | Unit Price: ৳ 35.00 (12’s pack: ৳ 420) |
Zycin | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Globe Pharmaceuticals Limited. | 15 ml bottle: ৳ 85.00
30 ml bottle: ৳ 130.00 50 ml bottle: ৳ 185.00 |
Zylomax | Tablet | 500 mg | Alkad Laboratories | Unit Price: ৳ 35.00 |
Zylomax | Powder for Suspension | 200 mg/5 ml | Alkad Laboratories | Price not available. |
Source: The Economics Times, DRUG.Com, Med Ex.